
For Females: Full stop Period (.) Pain

I'm sure when the dreaded Magic Day is to come, many girls already feel nauseous and scared about the prospect of period cramp.

I definitely was one of those girls. When I was younger, I could not understand what it meant by period cramp because I had never experienced one. However, starting from one day, I don't know why and how, the idea of pain came true.

The first day was always the worst. Especially when I had to get up early in the morning and rush myself, it would be painful to the point that sometimes I would just come home and cancel all the schedule for the day.

Fortunately enough, that has become the story of the past.
Of course, I still get the cramp, but it has become so much more manageable and tolerable that I don't have much trouble going about my day.

So these are my three tips that really worked marvelously:

1. Take the pill one day before.
So this may sound a little odd. Why should we take a pill even before the period starts, and hence, when there is no pain? However, proved by many people, this works wonders. If your cycle is regular, take the pill before the cramp starts. The next day when the period starts, it won't hurt so much. For those people, whose cycle is irregular, take the pill once it starts, even though there may not be any pain yet. This preventive method is so effective in reducing, say, half the pain.

2. Spread out the dose.
Last time, I used to take two pills at one go, right after the period started. However, despite having taken the pills, sometimes, in the evening, the pain will come back, and I will have to take another pill and wait until it goes away.
So after researching into the topic, I changed it to the system of spreading 3 pills over one day: one pill every 6 hours. This has reduced the pain the whole day.

3. Use heat pack products (hokkairo)!
I'm sure you have already heard how heating up your belly during period can reduce pain as well as enhance better blood let-out. I also used to use conventional heat packs whenever I'm lying down, since it was impossible to use it while you are standing up or walking. However, the breakthrough happened when my bf got me this amazing product from Japan.

So what's special about this heat pack is that you can actually attach it on the clothes (not directly on skin, but on top of underwear or shirt), and it will remain hot for more than 12 hours, without any intervention!
In fact, I just attach it on the morning, and until I sleep, it works fairly well. Using one pack per day is fairly enough.

I asked my bf about them, and he said most hokkairo  products in market are pretty the same. So I think you can get just them from any brand.

So these are the ways I overcame my monthly difficulty. Good luck to you guys as well! :)

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